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Business Consulting

At Beyond3Generations, we focus on human-centred approaches to provide research and product development services across various fields. Our previous projects include Pandemic Resilience, Ideation for Ethical AI Innovation in Education (also known as collective genius), Biosecurity in Oil Palm Plantations, Policy and Programs for Attainable Housing, Inclusive Workforce Development, Immigration, and Digital Circular Food Economy.


Examples of Solutions

Innovative Solutions that deliver social, environment and economic impact

01 Pandemic Resilience

Developing an AI-calibrated ensemble of models to inform decision making (December 2023)

We collaborate with industry, intergovernmental organisations, and higher education to develop technical reports enhancing our capabilities. Ensemble models are powerful tools for decision-making in public health, especially in the context of pandemics. By combining multiple models, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation and make more informed decisions. This approach can help us better predict the spread of disease, identify high-risk areas, and allocate more effectively.

03 AI Governance 

Collective Problem Solving

Governance of AI feedback loops is crucial to ensure that AI systems are continuously learning and improving.To prevent biases and errors from being perpetuated, we work with organisations to develop frameworks and strategies to ensure that AI systems are reliable, trustworthy, and ethical.

02 Biosecurity

Surveillance on Oil Palm Plantations

Collaborating with Crown and regional research institutes, we conduct research on plant disease surveillance to ensure the health and productivity of oil palm plantations in Africa and Malaysia. By monitoring and detecting potential diseases early on, farmers can take necessary measures to prevent the spread of and protect their crops. This not only ensures sustainable supply of palm oil but also contributes to the economic growth of these regions.

04 Economic Development

Programs & Policies

Collaborating with local governments, we contribute to the development of effective policies and programs for attainable housing, inclusive workforce development, immigration, and the digital circular economy. By working together, we can create solutions benefit everyone in the community. We believe that it is important to these issues and to work towards creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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